SEASIDE, Fla. (September 5, 2018)– During the month of October, the Seaside Institute will be hosting several community events in order to foster awareness about the Institute as well as provide a gathering place for 30A community members to come together to grow and learn as one municipal group.

The “Let’s Talk: A Community Discussion” will be discussing the topic of the “30A Mobility Project” on October 11 at 6 p.m. in the Seaside Assembly Hall. The 30A Mobility Project is a public and private partnership between the Seaside Institute, Dewberry | Preble-Rish, HNTB, ITIC, and Walton County to globalize a world-changing strategy. The project is aimed at solving the traffic, congestion, and parking on 30A, uncap our economic engine, drive a 10-15% increase in economic vitality, and create 2,000 to 4,000 jobs in the area. Guest speaker, Dr. Donald Shoup, along with the 30A Mobility Project Director, Jay Liles, will be speaking about the latest news on the project as well as taking questions from the community regarding the traffic and parking issues along 30A. This event is free and open to the public.

The “Aging with Grace Symposium” will take place from Thursday, October 18, through Friday, October 19, with guest speaker, Dr. Richard Jackson. Jackson is a professor emeritus at the Fielding School of Public Health at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is a pediatrician, author, and serves in many leadership positions with the California Health Department, including the highest position as the State Health Officer. Jackson lectures and speaks on many issues, especially those related to environment and health. During the symposium this October, Jackson will be speaking with the 30A community and Institute members about the value and steps needed to take in order to create a community that is beneficial to everyone. The event is open to the public and registration is required.

The “Schwob School of Music Concert” will be held on Saturday, Oct. 20 from 6-7:30 p.m. and is exclusively reserved for Seaside Homeowners and Seaside Institute Members only. The event will be taking place as a part of the Seaside Homeowners Weekend in the Seaside Assembly Hall. This event will showcase the benefits of being a member of the Institute along with a preview of the types of exclusive events you have access to once people become members.

For more information on the 30A mobility Project, please email Jay Liles at [email protected]. To register for any of the October events or to learn more details about each event, visit the Seaside Institute website at